

This area is famous even by bike, home to companies boasting top of class globally. The cycle route along the coast is particularly recommended for its scenery and is fun to drop in for a visit.



In Sakai, you can enjoy places like Hamadera park and Sukematsu Jinja Shrine, and in Sennan, you can enjoy scenery at places like Tarui Southern Beach.

岸和田城Kishiwada Castle

  • 岸和田城 Kishiwada Castle


One of the castles representing Osaka, built in the late 16th century. Also known as "Chikiri Castle" due to the form of the inner citadel connected to the outer citadel appearing similar to a tool (weighbeam) for winding warp of the loom. The present castle tower was built in 1954.

  • 072-431-3251072-431-3251

  • 岸和田市岸城町9-1

    9-1 Kishiki-cho, Kishiwada City

  • 10:00~17:00(入場は16:00まで)

    (Admission closes 4:00 p.m.)

  • 月曜休(祝日・休日の場合は開場)

    Closes: Mondays (if Monday is a public holiday, it is open)

  • 大人300円 小中学生以下無料

    Adult: 300 yen; Elementary and junior high school student or younger: Free

WARE HOUSESweets cafe & Bicycle pro shop

  • WARE HOUSE Sweets cafe & Bicycle pro shop


Trial rides are also run regularly. In weekends, there are also cycling events where here is the starting point.

  • 072-424-7564072-424-7564

  • 岸和田市春木本町9-26

    9-26 Harukihonmachi, Kishiwada City

  • カフェ(Cafe)10:00~18:00 自転車(Bicycle)11:00~19:00

  • 月曜休

    Closed: Mondays

立ち寄りも楽しい海浜ルートA seaside route that is fun to drop in for a visit

  • 立ち寄りも楽しい海浜ルート A seaside route that is fun to drop in for a visit


This area is full of cycle roads. There are cycle roads in Sakai as well as in the Kishiwada area, and these are connected to the seaside route. Why not take a bicycle trip unique to Senshu, where you can ride while viewing the sea.


Many cyclists visit this area.Heading south along the seaside route to Misaki Park is the standard route, and the breeze is great.
