いま注目!堺に行こう I'll go to Sakai


Among groups of ancient mounded tombs (kofun) seen in various regions of the Japanese archipelago, it is the “Mozu-Furuichi Kofun Group” where gigantic keyhole-shaped tombs were built in the largest concentration and survive today. Looking forward to the first World Heritage status to be granted in Osaka, the historic site is now generating more excitement than ever. Here, we can breathe its spiritual atmosphere.

百舌鳥・古市古墳群Mozu-Furuichi Kofun Group

  • 百舌鳥・古市古墳群 Mozu-Furuichi Kofun Group
  • 百舌鳥・古市古墳群 Mozu-Furuichi Kofun Group


This is a mounded tomb group consisting of the Mozu area (Sakai City) and the Furuichi area (Habikino and Fujiidera Cities). A large number of tombs of varying sizes remain until today, including the giant keyhole-shaped mounds such as Nintoku-tenno-ryo Kofun (Sakai, mound length: 486m) and Ojintennoryo Kofun (Habikino, mound length: 425m) of the world’s largest burial mounds.

  • 06-6210-974206-6210-9742(百舌鳥・古市古墳群世界文化遺産登録推進本部会議)

    (Conference Headquarters for the Promotion of Mozu-Furuichi Kofungun)

  • 見学自由

    No reservation required.

百舌鳥・古市古墳群の位置関係 Location of the Mozu-Furuichi Kofun Group

路面電車に乗ってみよう!LET'S RIDE ON A TRAM!

  • 路面電車に乗ってみよう! LET'S RIDE ON A TRAM!


The tram, affectionately known as the "streetcar", has been operating for about 100 years. It allows you to get a taste of the scenery of Sakai from the city center to Hamadera Park. The oldest active tram (manufactured in 1928) in Japan is operating in addition to the Sakai tram that was introduced in 2013.

お得な全線1日フリー乗車券 てくてくきっぷ''TAKE TAKE'' Ticket 1DAY PASS

  • お得な全線1日フリー乗車券 てくてくきっぷ ''TAKE TAKE'' Ticket 1DAY PASS


The free ticket can be used on all lines, such as Ebisucho, Tennoji-ekimae, and Hamadera-ekimae, and costs 600 yen for an adult. The scratch-type tickets, which are clipped on the day of use, are somewhat nostalgic. The folded paper also gives the ticket a fully handmade feel.

  • 大人600円/ 小児300円 / 天王寺駅前・新今宮駅前・我孫子道・浜寺駅前の各乗車券発売所などで発売中

    Adult: 600 yen/Child:300 yen Tickets are sold at the ticket offices of Tennoji-ekimae, Shinimamiya-ekimae, Abikomichi, and Hamadera-ekimae.